Updating Staart

You should make sure you’re always on the most recent version of Staart to stay on top of latest security features. To update Staart to the most recent version, use git pull:

git pull git@github.com:staart/api

If you’re using git with HTTP instead of SSH, use this instead:

git pull https://github.com/staart/api

Then, you should resolve your merge request (like the package name), and you should be good to go.

First time updating Staart

If you’re using Staart from source or GitHub’s “Use this template” feature, you will not have the git history of this project. To update Staart, you’ll have to use the --allow-unrelated-histories flag the first time.

git pull git@github.com:staart/api --allow-unrelated-histories

Update script

You can also use the built-in update script to update Staart:

node setup/update.js